Monday, December 22, 2008

Everyone dressed in their Christmas Best!!

These are a few pictures from Sunday. It was the Sunday b/f Christmas, so of coarse, all of the kids were dressed in their Sunday best!! I don't have time to type a whole lot, so I'll just post the pictures and explain a couple of them :)
Sam wearing is sisters socks!

Tina is such an awesome story teller!! She sings really fun songs too!
Just before church was over, Kara climbed up in my lap, laid her head on my chest and was out...fell asleep in like, two seconds!! Next thing I know, Rissa climbs up, lays her head on Kara's back and is out!
***I know that Tina & I don't look all too, super thrilled to be in Nursery...we really were thrilled to be there!! Don't worry moms & dads! the camera just caught us in between smiles!! Roses and Sunshines...Daisies and lollipops...rainbows and happiness only exists in the Nursery!! We truly do love being in Nursery with those stinkin cute kids!!